Building Mountains: Mental Skills for Ultra


This six-session program will help prepare your mind for an ultraendurance event.

Whether you’re running or biking the Leadville 100, running Western States, Hardrock, Quad Rock or UTMB mental prepration is key to having a successful day.

These sessions start June 5th at 7pm Mountain and run weekly for six-weeks. They are an hour in duration and live through Zoom,

Zoom links will go out the morning of class.

While the sessions will be recorded they are interactive and attendance is a necessity.

Cost $350

What you get:

  • Mental skills training from an expert - Neal is a mental performance coach, licensed psychotherapist, endurance athlete and expert ultrarunning coach for CTS.

  • 25% off Mental Performance Coaching - (Available only to athletes in the US and Canada).

  • Entry to monthly all session collaborative meetings starting in July. These are forty-five minutes long and re-group past members of trainings to talk all things mental skills and ultra.

Just curious, scroll down for a little more information.

(If you are a current or previous client of Neal’s please contact him directly prior to registering.)

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Are you ready for the adventure?

What’s calling you?

A hundred mile run?

A 24-hour mountain bike race?

Planning to run across the continent? Or through hike the PCT in record time?

Are you ready?

If not, what’s holding you back?

The calling to ultra is full of twists and turns, ups and downs and sometimes pitfalls.

This six-session program is going to help you develop the mental tools to not just ‘survive’ but to thrive doing what you love.

To hone and develop ‘Tenacity in Pursuit.’

The first part of the course will focus on motivation. We’ll take a look at what’s calling you and help you define what about this incredible endurance effort has you hooked, and how you can harness that during race day.

This self-knowledge is not only going to open up the door for you to push and explore further but it’s also going to act as a gate keeper so you know when you’re straying too far and standing on the precipice of burnout.

The course is going to teach you how to bring compassion to yourself so when you start to get challenged you’re better able to ride the waves and return to the path stronger and more resilient.

This program will teach you mindfulness skills so you’re better able to stay present and focused on ultra in spite of the rough waves that show up.

You will learn emotional regulation strategies so when the demons come up in the pain cave, or at 2 o’clock in the morning when you just want to crawl into your sleeping bag, you can refocus on what matters most.

You’ll develop and refine self-talk and imagery strategies so you can elevate your performance and be in a better place to achieve your goals.

Finally, we’re going to devleop plans for race day, predict those mental road blocks and prepare strategies to overcome them so you have the best possible outcome come race day.

Your instructor, Neal Palles is a long time therapist, mental performance coach, coach for CTS, accomplished endurance athlete and former instructor for Outward Bound.

Participants in this course are eligible for a 25% discount off of mental performance coaching as well as an opportunity to particpate in a monthly all group call. These calls will begin in July.

If you have questions feel free to reach out: